Thursday, January 1, 2009

A friend Wishes ....

So, guys and gals
these are the little things i wish for you
to see you through the short rainy days
that promises of bright sunny days ahead....

So, guys and gals
these are the little things i wish for you
to show you the missed stunning silverlining
that basks us in its warming glow tomorrow....

So, guys and gals
these are the little things i wish for you
to see your bright and cheerful faces
that stays so till the dawn of the new year....

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

I want to ...

For ashu..
I can see that light again....
I can feel that sight again...
Those dreams that were broken that day...
Those memories that faded away...
I can feel them all again.....
I can sense that love again...
I can dare dream again...
I can be madly in love again...
You've brought back the hopes...
You've brought back that luv..
You've brought the feel of belongingness...
You've brought back the happiness in my life..
I wish to cherish my dreamz with you..
I wish to be yours ..and you to be mine...
I wish to live with you...
and ....I wish to love you loads....
Ashu :)