lemme come back , tea is nearly going to boil.
The sugar i have again forgotton to add. And then i will again be lazy to get one. I still remember most of the times when tea was prepared, it was Ajit to serve, and me will spill it. The kitchen here is more sophesticated , and i have to fight to make a cup of tea. But i dont like this, i like my kitchen in 1085 more. i like to drink the cup of T , but not like this.
Tea is one thing which i associate to all of my bangalore friends, and come down with it all the memories of time. Lets remember a few of them , from the night tea , to those early morning sips. And those tea on tea on that Coorg morning. When the Tea flowed liked river Ganges .Tea is also associated to evening sips with Namita , which i remember daily @ 5 PM , and sorry girl if u sneeze at that time.
This is most uncharacterstic post , i dont have an idea what i have penned down , the tea is over and so is my urge to write on. The Tea was wonderful as always , esp with all the memories that single cup carries with it