Thursday, August 19, 2010

One More Friend Lost ..

 One More Friend Lost ..
Posted by Deepak Gupta on August 11, 2007 at 12:04pm
Last few weeks have been most entralling in my life , when i am getting new friends and losing old ones, for like a snake i am , seems like loosing the old skin, but believe me its very very painful. A tear trickles down the eye, with each falling wicket. with each wound that has over the times dug deep in the flesh, that the marks will stay till the end. How easy it is to end something you wanted for so long. For losing love i have never loved , but losing good friends is what has started pinching me. For so long have i been tired to smile now, for someone who might not even consider me a friend. for all those who still talk to me cauz i call them sometimes or we chat regularly .. PLEASE STOP ... Some friends are made life long , and as such one expect them to be there.
There can be sometimes when the mood is not right , but you dont tell a friend , i am watching TV. seems somethings more important than me. I believe one odd day humans might be able to survive without food , water or oxygen , but without friends .. impossible, for that will be existing and not living...
Some people grow so fast in the career , and at such a pace , that they start ignoring turtle paced people like me. for them who dont care about bad luck , and still for those friend whose major concern seems to be more than other people watching scraps by them in my srapbook as potentional danger as to what others will say, there is just one thing i wanna say. believe me , i dont want to , but here it goes .. "always be nice to people on your way up , you generally meet them on your way down".
I know i have been too slow in this fast paced world, and friends are tired of moving so slow. and here i stand in this world , making new friends who will also one day lose my hand in this fast paced world. And this is what i have stopped from making new friends, want to hold a few left. some of my best pals , my best stress relievers have now become so big , that they dont have time or advise. only one thing u can expect from them , ask yourself. I have been left in this jungle world as a foe among friends. thank you miss , it has been nice knowing you for so long ...
one thing i realised evening of aug 10, friday that it is so easy to be shut, to feel so little, to be eradicate. time when i realised people dont take me serious any more. for should i stop fooling around. for i will try to seal my lips.
For this friend of mine ,anyone can take a guess.
I know i dont have any manners to talk to anyone, but to be neglected as today , to make me realise what I am ... to tell not the world , who cares about it after all (other than her) ... feels real good. good bye friend , you will go to greater heights , to places never touched by anyone. Ask me it will be very very very hard for me to live without taking her advise, but i promise i will never ever again disturb you while you are watching TV or not ...

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